Sunday, July 17, 2011


This week the homework was a killer.   I was definitely pushed out of my comfort zone in revamping the PowerPoint.  I felt really uncomfortable moving away from the pages of text that I was used to.  Don't get me wrong, I completely see the value of it.  But, it is not easy.  I found it very challenging and it took a lot of time.  Then when I reviewed my finished product, I wondered if it was any good.  It was very hard not to be over critical of how I put it together.  I have a new respect for the people who make this look's not.  This will take a lot of work.  I can't wait to have the kids try this.

I liked playing with Animoto.  I can't wait to put that to use in school. 

I continue to enjoy Presentation Zen.  Chapter 7 was great.  I loved looking at the examples.  They were very clever. 

To be honest, I am not looking forward to putting together the Pecha Kucha.  Not because I don't like the concept.  I think it is neat and it will be fun to create the story of a balloon rally.  Iam not looking forward to it because I hate hearing my recorded voice.  I know, it is vain. 


  1. It took me forever to redo my powerpoint as well. I kept changing which ppt I was going to redo because they all seemed so beyond help. I figure though practice makes perfect and we need to give ourselves a break. I wouldn't fail a student who worked their butt off if their presentation wasn't perfect. I would let them know what to fix and give them another chance. Why can't we do the same for ourselves?

  2. I'm with you and Stacy. It took me over 8 hours to revamp my Powerpoint. I think it was trying to incorporate all these new ideas into something so foreign to me. There were a couple of times I got so frustrated that I deleted everything and started over. And yes, they make it look so easy. Maybe in a couple of years we will be experts and we can write a book LMS ZEN.

  3. Thanks for the comment on this weeks homework, I am still working on the powerpoint and looking over the Pecha Kucha. It was a very hard week and I learned a lot. I like the fact that you have already thought about sharing these ideas with your students and planning to use some of these tools right away.
