Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was very worried about the first class because I was in South Dakota. I found a McDonald's with wi-fi and was set to go.  The first class went smoothly.  Only, I have to be honest, I was overwhelmed.  There was a lot to take in and I wasn't in a great environment for it.  That is one thing I definitely learned about me and online learning - I need to be in a place where I can concentrate on the tasks at hand. 

I was also nervous about the topic of digital story telling. I've worked with my students to create documentaries this year.  They did a wonderful job.  My fear is that I won't have the creativity and the ability to risk take like they did.  It was easy to encourage them to take risks, but I worry about that for myself. I hope that this class will help with that.  After watching all the examples and looking at the links, I know there are many tools out there that I will be able to refer to to help me through the process.


  1. I totally agree with you about the creative risk taking. I don't think I'm a very creative person. When other people share great presentations or ideas with me it's always like "Oh yeah, that makes so much sense" but when it comes time for my brain to work up those ideas alone I always seem to run into a brick wall.

  2. It still blows my mind that you can sit in a McDonald's miles and miles from home, and attend a class in real time! I think you will do great because you DO take risks. Just look how much you have done over the past year! Can't wait to see what this class has in store.

  3. I also agree with the whole creative risk taking thing. I personally think that I am a somewhat creative person, but when it comes to being creative while using technology I think that will be a whole different story. I'm excited to see and use all of the presentation options that are out there and to really enhance my presentations.

  4. Creative risk taking. What's funny is that at my attempting-to-become International Baccalaureate school, one of the learner profile traits is "risk taker." It's something that we, as educators, try to encourage in the students. What's funny is that very rarely do we apply that to ourselves, as risk takers. We seem to have the tendency to find something that works and stick with it for better or for worse. It's that horrible teacher trap that many get stuck in. As media center specialists, we of all people need to rally against that. And it's good that we all recognize that trepidation and try to move past it.

    In short, way to go Jenny!

  5. You have always been creative - children are born that way. Now to find your inner child and let her out again.
