Wednesday, March 23, 2011



 (Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life?  Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  •  This class has reinforced the importance of  PLNs.  I would not have learned about half of the things I did without the help of all of the people in this class.  Thanks to all of you!
  • All of the assignments were extremely helpful to me in learning my job. The database project and the library lesson were great.  I loved seeing what everyone is doing/using. 
  • The class discussions were very valuable too.  I was able to use information from each class discussion the next day.
  • From today's class, I really enjoyed looking a the Kafka website, and Chris's website.  I will be able to use the information from these sites immediately.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention during the Online Database presentations. 
  • I really liked Kari's idea about emailing the Culturegrams resource pdf to the teachers. It is a great way to get teachers hooked on the product.  I need to do an inservice on this.
  • I also liked Megan's WisCareers.  I am going to check with the guidance department to see if they use this, otherwise I will suggest it for their Career Pathways class.
  (Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life?  Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • There is so much out there to learn about.  This just reinforces the idea of the PLN.  There is no way  to find out all about everything on your own.
  • Many of the ideas I saw tonight will be valuable to my co-workers.  I will be sharing many things I learned tonight.  Again, a valuable way to show how useful you can be.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


 Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention in our readings or discussions for this week.  Why were these significant for you?

  • pg 104: "Good collaboration with teachers involves at least four important elements."
  • 1. A good professional relationship with all teachers.
  • 2. A basic knowledge of the teaching/learning goals and activities in each classroom.
  • 3. A good collection of the best and most pertinent teaching and learning resources.
  • 4. An ability to promote and teach the learning resources in valuable ways.
These four elements are crucial in getting the support of the teachers, students, and administrators for the program you are trying to create and maintain.
  • pg 106: "You probably need to think about setting up time and resources that encourage students to learn on topics of their own choice that may in fact have nothing to do with the curriculum at all."           I see this as valuable, but I know this would be a hard sell to some teachers who think that their curriculum is essential.  By using a research model (Big 6) to complete these projects, I think you would have an easier time convincing people of the value.

 What are your thoughts about the tools provided by DPI for library media programs?  Were you aware of these?  Which things do you see as most valuable to you?
  • These are great tools that you can use with administrators to help them understand the role of the library.  They are necessary in creating a program that will be valued by all stakeholders.

What are your thoughts, concerns and questions about library program evaluations?

  • I think it is a very good idea to evaluate library programs.  The evaluations will help ensure that you are meeting the needs of the students and staff.  This will in turn create a valuable program in your school.
Questions about your Online Database Presentation or your Library Lesson?  What is your topic?
  • Kids Search is my database.  Alexandria is my library lesson.
(Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life?  Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • I really liked creating the paragraph about my role as a library media specialist.  The librarians in my district are currently working on a proposal about this.  This paragraph will be very helpful.
  • I also found that trying to sum that paragraph up in two sentences was not an easy task.  But, I realize how important it is to be able to get my point across quickly, because I may not be granted a lot of time to communicate the importance of my job.  I AM PART OF THE SOLUTION!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


 Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention in our readings or discussions for this week.  Why was it significant for you?
  • pg 113: "You do not need to adopt a new technology the minute it becomes available. It is best to wait and let the technology prove itself.  This also gives you time to think about implementing the new technology." Seems pretty obvious, but in today's tight budget times this is very valuable advice.  You don't want to jump into a quick purchase of something just because it is the hottest thing out there.  You may end up regretting it and wasting a whole lot of money on something that really isn't for you.  Don't buy it just to say you have it.  Buy it to use it.
  • pg 117: "Your statement of purpose, your reference philosophy, will help you stay focused on the important things you are trying to do in your media center.  Your guidelines will help you carry out those important things in more meaningful ways for your students and teachers."   This is something I need in place for all aspects of the library, not just the reference area.  I will need to sit down and look at district policy and what I think the needs of the library are (three year needs assessment plan) to develop a statement of purpose for the entire library.  Starting small might be a good idea though.  Start with reference and then branch out.

 What are your thoughts about the search engines we discussed?
  • I liked the search engines.  Boolify looks great; a neat visual for a search string. My daughter is using it in her school.  I also like KidsClick.  Of course, before you suggest anyone use it, you need to check it out.
  How do you feel about Google Advanced Search techniques?
  • I use the Advanced Search Techniques to filter my searches.  I will go over this with the students and staff. It is important to reiterate the techniques to students and staff, so they utilize them
Do you think you’d use Scavenger Hunts with your students?  Why or why not?
  • I think I will be able to use these with the kids.  It would be neat to do a search before I teach the material and after I teach it.  It would show the kids how they've grown.
Questions about your Online Database Presentation or your Library Lesson?  What is database and what is your lesson topic? 
  • My lesson is done.  I completed a screencast-o-matic on how to look up a book on Alexandria, how identify if it is available, and how to put it on hold if it is checked out.
  • Kids Search is the focus for my database presentation.  I printed off all of the "how to" info to help me plan my presentation and am currently studying it.  I am trying to figure out if I want to do a screencast of Kids Search to put on my website.

(Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life?  Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • It was great to see the internet logs that everyone put together.  Thanks!  I will be able to share them with my staff.  Our PLN definitely makes this job easier.
  • In the current economic and political climate, it is more important than ever that we make sure people understand our role in the learning process.  Again, it comes down to advertising what you have to offer the students and staff.