Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention in our readings or discussions for this week. Why was it significant for you?
  • pg 95 - " A good school librarian notices and even anticipates where students and teachers might need help using the library, and then prepares resources to help them." The advantages of having these resources are that they save time in the long run and help the library become more accessible to its patrons. Caution: the resources are not a substitute for a librarian.
  • pg 97 - How do you pick a topic for a user guide? It seems like such a simple question. But, it can also be overwhelming to determine where to start. The simple answer attention to the questions that your patrons ask the most. It seems like a very logical place to begin. The most asked question I have been getting is, "How do you place a book on hold?" Even though I went through this with the kids, they forget the information unless they have a use for it. So, I created a step by step guide that is located next to the patron catalog computers.
What do you think about the Big 6?
  • The Big 6 is a very useful way to approach research. My district requires the 8th grade teachers to complete a Big 6 project. Now many of the elementary schools are also learning about it and incorporating it into their curriculum.
Are you pretty comfortable doing a Reference Interview?
  • Getting better with practice. So far (I feel) I have been pretty successful.
How is the Internet Log coming? Questions/concerns?
  • Almost done. I just have four more sites to write descriptions for.
Questions about your Online Database Presentation or your Library Lesson? What is your topic?
  • I am going to do Kids Search on BadgerLink. I already have begun working on it.
(Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life? Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • Know the standards. They will help you defend what you are teaching the students.
  • It is extremely important that I find out what the elementary teachers are teaching for their technology curriculum and what the high school teachers expect the kids to know by the time they get there. I think the scope and sequence tends to get lost in the middle school because there isn't just one person responsible for technology education. Also, I need to push for teachers to use technology with their students so that they all have experiences with technology.

Internet Log link - 7th grade science - planets

Monday, February 21, 2011


Describe 2 ideas that were brought up in the Article #3 discussions. How can you relate this information to your professional life?
  •  Katelyn's article brought up many obstacles to library reference.  But, the one thing she mentioned that really stuck with me is that success in the library will be directly related to the ability to change with the times.  This is something that has already been communicated in my district.  They value librarians, but we must be willing to keep up with the technology and be willing to change how we view our jobs.  
  • Mary Ann's article about having kids create a personal library of research apps was very interesting.  I think I will put a page on my website that suggests some useful apps for kids.  Not all students will have access to these apps, so I am not sure how to make up for that.
Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention in our readings or discussions for this week. Why was it significant for you?
  • pg 61: "A good program will not only promote your services but also help your teachers with their instruction, provide the students with useful information literacy skills." This is my new motto. I need to remember all of the patrons (teachers and students), not only half of them.
  • pg 52: "Remember, you are performing the reference interview to make sure you help the customer find exactly what they want, and not what you think they want."   It all comes down to listening.  You want them to keep coming back, so you need to help them find what they are actually looking for.  This will give you credibility.   Also, keep an open mind.  Just because I may not like the subject they are looking into, doesn't mean I shouldn't give 100% effort when helping the student.
How is the Internet Log coming? Questions/concerns?
  • Still working on writing the descriptions for the sites. No questions.
Questions about your Online Database Presentation or your Library Lesson?
  • I am pretty sure I am going to do Kid Search for my database presentation. I am going to try screencast-o-matic for the lesson (searching for a book and putting it on hold).
(Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life? Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • The readings really made me realize how important the reference interview is.  You can't give up, even if the research doesn't pan out the first time around.  The kids and teachers need to know you will work hard to help them find what they need.  You want them to keep coming back!
  • Change - while it may sometimes be scary, we need to adjust with the times or become obsolete. Our jobs depend on it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


 Describe 2 ideas that were brought up in the Article #2 discussions.  How can you relate this information to your professional life?
  • Be ready with collaboration ideas for your teachers and students.  Try .  Guide your teachers in the use of technology.
  • I liked Megan's comments about the administration being model users of technology.  It is important for the leaders to lead the movement...walk the walk.
  • The two sites for information literacy from my article: The Media Literacy Clearinghouse ( and Common Sense Media ( .

Describe 2 highlights that caught your attention in our readings for this week.  Why was it significant for you?
  • "We need to know how to teach our students to select and evaluate the best information to answer their needs".(18) We keep talking about this issue at our District Technology Meeting.  The kids need to know how to develop a topic from start to finish.  The Big 6 is designed to help with this process.  Keeping in mind the second article I did for my review, we still need to be able to connect the process with appropriate digital citizenship.  They go hand in hand.
  • "Your job is to teach your students how to find the answers for themselves, and teach them so well that they will choose to go on finding their own answers."(16) This is all about creating lifelong learners.  This is every educators job!  It needs to be part of the school community.

How is the Internet Log coming?  Questions/concerns?
  • The Internet Log is going well.  I have all the sites picked.  I am currently writing a description for each site.

Library Visit Questions?
  • This is completed.  But, I would like to go visit the high school libraries to see what they have and how it is arranged and used.

Questions about your Online Database Presentation or your Library Lesson?
  • I have begun planning these.  Right now I don't have any questions.
(Louis Question) – How has our class and this week’s activities effected you in your professional life?  Discuss two things that you have learned about this week.
  • I need to be ready to offer suggestions when teachers approach me about technology.  I don't want to turn anyone away.
  • Creating a digital newsletter is a fantastic idea.  It is not forceful, just a reminder of what is out there.  It is another way to offer help to teachers.